16 Settembre 2024

Diretto da: Alexey Meets
Sceneggiatura: Alexey MeetsVins Evans
Durata: 1h 32 min
Anno: 2022
Genere: Giallo / Thriller
Paese: USA
Format: 4k HD
Lingua: Inglese, (Italiano in lavorazione)

Dopo il funerale del marito, Mary riceve la visita della madre e del fratello di lui, che non aveva mai incontrato prima.
I parenti del defunto marito si rivelano alquanto singolari, ma Mary ancora non sospetta quanto siano pericolosi per suo figlio Tony e per se stessa.

Directed by: Alexey Meets
Scriptwriter: Alexey MeetsVins Evans
Duration: 1h 32 min
Year: 2022
Genre: Mistery / Thriller
Country: USA
Language: English
Format: 4k HD

After the funeral of Mary's husband she is visited by his mother and brother, whom she'd never met before.
The relatives of her late husband turn out to be quite peculiar, but Mary does not suspect just how dangerous they are for her son Tony and for herself.After the funeral of Mary's husband she is visited by his mother and brother, whom she'd never met before.
The relatives of her late husband turn out to be quite peculiar, but Mary does not suspect just how dangerous they are for her son Tony and for herself.

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